Monday, April 2, 2007

You love

Chrissy, you love art, or rather, artistic expression. You express yourself keenly in your poetry and I'm so glad you share it with me. You love to draw and use various coloring mediums to complete your work. You draw fairies and clothing designs as well as using it for sudden emotional expression: whatever you're thinking or feeling is sent through your fingers onto a page. I love that about you. I don't ever want you to lose that. You're enjoying your camera now as well. You like Myspace and Youtube and other teen hangouts online. You're an avid speed reader often finishing 500+ page books in one evening. You're nocturnal like me and I love that you share pieces of all these things with me. I know you don't have to and I appreciate the this point in life we're learning that it goes both ways.

Trevor, you love schoool. Your favorite subject is Math followed closely by Spelling. You love your Playstation, your ipod and basically all gadgets and gizmos. If I need help with something electronic I can usually ask you and you're just a 4th grader! LOL You are so active and have so much energy even though you have severe allergies and asthma. You handle your daily meds and shots like a champ and rarely let anything hold you back. You like having family game night and enjoy regularly kicking your parent's butts. You love OSU sports, mainly football and basketball. You rarely miss any games. In fact your room is painted orange and black. You love your friends too. Our house regularly has one or two or more kids from the neighborhood hanging out until they absolutely have to go home. And you've started using the phone too. I thought we had a few more years until this started but....oh well. You talk about tamagotchis, playing wall-ball, neo-pets, toonami and SOOOOO much more! If it glows in the're in.

Jack, you love your brother and everything he does. This sometimes gets you into trouble but most of the time you enjoy the same things your brother does. You also love family game night but you seem to win way more games than any of the rest of us and it's not because we let you either. You're just really good....eerily good actually. Remind us to take you with us to Vegas later, k? You love rough-housing and haven't gone a single week of your mobile life without getting some type of wound that required antibiotic ointment and a band-aid or at the very least an ice pack and a strong warning to slow down. You like taking risks which worries me but doesn't seem to bother you in the least. Your Dad rented The Guardian this weekend and you watched the entire thing without moving or making any noise. You're 7, you're supposed to like Spongebob and Shrek not action movies about guys that almost get killed jumping out of helicopters. After you fully processed Ashton Kutcher's brilliant portrayal of what I fear might be you one day you went on to rewatch Shark Tale and write me a lovely note that I saved. It reads "I love you very very very much Mom". Well, I love you very very very much too. How 'bout a little less daredevil stunts and more fluffy froo froo stuff okay?

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