First of all, I am new to blogging (cliches are so tiring but it's still true) so I'm not sure if I find a photograph on the Internet and I know who took it and I host it on my own I still stealing? I'm prepared to give this photographer full credit because she's brilliant, evocative and seems to see life through my eyes. But I have no idea if she would even want to be associated with me or what I have to say. So I'm torn.
I know this is her picture so I feel more of a responsibility to not screw her over basically. I don't know her from Adam, don't get me wrong. I simply respect her vision, her art. Her name is Diane Varner and she is one of my links at the left; one of my "Escapes" (does anyone else say that word "ess-cop-ay" like on Finding Nemo"? No? Oh well). Her work reminds me about the fragility of life through the detail she's able to capture in her close-ups as well as her landscapes. I feel as though one stray breath could change everything and that feeling isn't inherently good or just is.
I think I enjoy photography so much because regardless of how many people are taking pictures of the same location, you'll never end up with two identical shots. And even if the same person goes back to the same place day after day...they will never get the same shot.
Just as it feels like people never change and the world seems hell-bent on repeating it's past mistakes over and over again, I see these photos and believe in the power of evolution.
I know this is her picture so I feel more of a responsibility to not screw her over basically. I don't know her from Adam, don't get me wrong. I simply respect her vision, her art. Her name is Diane Varner and she is one of my links at the left; one of my "Escapes" (does anyone else say that word "ess-cop-ay" like on Finding Nemo"? No? Oh well). Her work reminds me about the fragility of life through the detail she's able to capture in her close-ups as well as her landscapes. I feel as though one stray breath could change everything and that feeling isn't inherently good or just is.
I think I enjoy photography so much because regardless of how many people are taking pictures of the same location, you'll never end up with two identical shots. And even if the same person goes back to the same place day after day...they will never get the same shot.
Just as it feels like people never change and the world seems hell-bent on repeating it's past mistakes over and over again, I see these photos and believe in the power of evolution.
I'm not sure. I mean, I think as long as you aren't trying to pass the work off as your own? (which I know you aren't) and you have given her credit.
Maybe a quick e-mail telling her you love her work and would it be alright to share it here as long as she stillg ets credit? And of course, saving it to your own service so you aren't stealing bandwidth.
I will do that. She already knows I've linked to her site much as you do I'm guessing (I still have much to learn). But there is a giant leap between a link leading to a site and an image from the same.
I'll write her. Thanks for the input.
She will probably love getting the free promotion. Cool pic.
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