I got this briliant idea today. Well, I thought it was brilliant anyway. I've decided to write letters to you on the internet. I think that should earn me a "Pimp Level" of at least 5. It's the internet for goodness sake!
Anyway, you all seem to be really enjoying computers and getting online...downloading things and whatnot. So much so, in fact, that you scarcely look up when I pass. So no more raising my voice or talking in an accent or waving my hand in front of your face to get your attention.
I've decided to meet you here instead. This will be a little different than a traditional letter. You'll be able to write back to me without me having to pay for postage and I'm hoping it will feel more like we're having a conversation and less like you're just being talked to.
OH and while you're here and all, can we talk about the eye-rolling? I mean, I'll stop if you will!
Anyway, you all seem to be really enjoying computers and getting online...downloading things and whatnot. So much so, in fact, that you scarcely look up when I pass. So no more raising my voice or talking in an accent or waving my hand in front of your face to get your attention.
I've decided to meet you here instead. This will be a little different than a traditional letter. You'll be able to write back to me without me having to pay for postage and I'm hoping it will feel more like we're having a conversation and less like you're just being talked to.
OH and while you're here and all, can we talk about the eye-rolling? I mean, I'll stop if you will!
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