Friday, April 27, 2007

Still Smiling

I had such a great time with you boys this morning. Today Jack, you received a t-shirt in front of the whole school because you'd read over 100 books. Not just that but you were one of only three to get this award. I was so proud. I clapped. I yelled. I waved and smiled just like a crazy person. It was great! I'm so so so proud of you both. This week Trevor, you got Student of the Month and yesterday I attended the massive sugar high they call their Stars Breakfast. Seriously, there were mounds upon mounds of donuts. I didn't even have one but somehow a lone sprinkle hitchhiked on the sleeve of my shirt for half the morning. I finally set him free after a coworker pointed him out. Regardless, there is truly no way to say "thank you for being a great kid" like a truckload of sugar. And I only say that because I left you there. If you'd been coming with me, my love of The Sugar would've just never happened. Not even slightly.

It was nice seeing the pride in both of you and celebrating your accomplishments as a family. A wacky family, but a family nonetheless. Yeah I looked like a total dork doing the cha-cha slide during your morning assembly. And maybe high-fiving all of your classmates raised some of the adults' eyebrows. It was fun sitting down for second breakfast with you two too. I felt like a politician shaking hands, saying "Hi, great seeing you.....what's your name...Wow nice the shoes...give me sure and tip your waitress". Sure that was maybe a little different than most kids are used to putting up with. I mean, I didn't see any other parents doing the wave with their kids for just no darn good reason. Come to think on it, they seemed to be trying really hard not to see us The Crazy is contagious.


Which reminds me, Jack I might have told your lunch lady that she could write on your forehead with a sharpie. In my defense it's only to remind you to bring more lunch money. So like don't be shocked when she pins you down and uses giant block letters and one of those stinky permanent markers to write "LUNCH" on your noggin. I'm your mother and just like signing your permission slips to go on fun and cool field trips, I can also sign other somewhat "imaginary" permission slips that only serve to give me a chuckle. I don't feel it's right that I simply show up at your school and act all motherly. I think you'll agree (maybe muuuuch later in life) that it was in your best interest that I ensure my presence at your school could be felt for days, maybe even weeks to come. Even after the marker wears off I know for a fact that neither of you will ever look at me the same way again.

And when your teachers ask for parents to volunteer in your class you can bet I'll raise my hand. Heck I might raise them both and do that "Heeeeeey....Hoooooo...Heeeeeeey...Hooooo" thing you love so much.

Really, it's the least I could do.

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