Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I've decided

People who know me simply love hearing me say that. Mostly because it rarely happens, the decision-making bit I mean. I'm of the "um....well....hmmmm....uh" variety of person. It's not that I suck at it, truly. In fact I totally rock at deciding things when it's something I actually think is important. If it's just about food or movies or spare time...so long as we're together I couldn't care less what we're doing. It frustrates Tony more than you could possibly know. It's like the man is allergic to decisions or something and relies solely on mine. Truthfully I know he defers to me only because he wants me to be happy. But sometimes, I'm happiest when I'm along for the ride.

At any rate. School will be out in about 6 official work days (I've excluded the weekend because we typically laze away during that time anyway). I'm taking a week off of work to spend at home with you guys and YES I'll get out of bed even! You know your collective sassing is getting out of control when I can hear it in my head and you're not even around!

I'll talk to each of you over the next few days to see what time would be best to enjoy the week to it's fullest. Suggestions are always welcome....

Let the games begin!

1 comment:

karla said...

I'm trying to figure out why there's a popsicle image on this post...and while I'm no closer to understanding that, I have discovered that the popsicle image has made me crave a popsicle. So now I have to actually get up--yes, hoist myself up off this chair--and fetch one. You're in trouble, missy.