Friday, March 23, 2007

Mood swings....yours and mine

Leave it to me to give birth to moody children. You can blame me. I don't mind. It's not easy being moody though. Emotions come and go before you even have the chance to identify them. Eventually you wind up in a funk that's indescribable and untraceable.

One of you is angry at me right this second. Our moods clashed. I apologized but you would have none of it. I thought you should apologize too (purposefully ignoring someone when they ask you something is rude, I stand by that statement), but you didn't. We seem to be at an impass.


Navigating these emotional tides will be some of the most difficult work I do in this life.

It's not easy being moody.

1 comment:

Mrs.X said...

Moody children can be maddening! As can the sensitive child.
Put them together and you have my daughter.
If you figure out something that works let me know!